Tooth grinding is also known as bruxism. You may be grinding your teeth without realizing it. There are a number of signs that suggest that you are grinding your teeth.

Jaw Pain

If you are waking up with jaw pain, then you may be grinding your teeth at night. However, the body has a tendency to get adjusted to the grinding over time. That is why people have a tendency to experience less pain over time. You may also notice a dull headache or an earache.

Your Partner is Telling You

You may not be the only one who is affected by the teeth grinding. The grinding may be so severe that you wake your partner.

Worn Teeth

Your dentist can tell whether you are grinding your teeth by looking at them. Your teeth may be worn out, uneven and chipped due to the excessive wear. Most people who grind their teeth will eventually suffer tooth damage.

Increased Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth grinding can erode your enamel and expose the dentin. The layer underneath the enamel is the dentin. That is why your teeth may become more sensitive if you are grinding your teeth.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea and teeth grinding are linked. People who have sleep apnea are more likely to grind their teeth. If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, then you will need to undergo a sleep study. However, it is important to note that sleep tests can be time-consuming and costly.

Ways to Manage Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is linked to stress. That is why managing your stress is one of the best ways to stop grinding your teeth. You should also see a dentist if you are grinding your teeth. A dentist can develop a custom-made mouth guard. The mouth guard is designed to reduce clenching.

If you need help with your Teeth Grinding and are in the Downtown Phoenix or Scottsdale area call us to schedule an appointment at 480-860-0092